Family Dentistry
At Currey & Jorgensen Family Dentists, we provide dental care for the whole family, including the kids. It has been a focus of ours to create a welcoming environment where children are happy to come and that the experience of visiting the family dentist is a positive and enjoyable one for everyone. We provide sound advice to parents on how to introduce dental care to their children.
When is the right time to introduce children to the family dentist?
As a rule of thumb, it is time for a family dental visit when your baby’s first tooth becomes visible or they reach 12 months old – whichever comes first. Many parents assume that dental care is not necessary until their children have a full set of teeth. Family Dental care and hygiene isn’t just about teeth. It’s about gums, lips and the inside of the mouth.
What does a child’s dental check-up involve?
On your child’s first visit, your Family Dentist will ensure you are fully informed about your child’s oral health and are happy to answer any questions you may have about your child’s dental care. At each and every visit, we will be checking the entire mouth with a preventative check and providing you with any advice for care.
How can I prepare for child’s first family dental visit?
It is completely normal for your little ones to fuss during their dental visit and our family dentistry team is trained to make sure your baby is as comfortable as possible during their exam. Before their first visit, it may be helpful to familiarise your child with a dentist and the role that dentists play in taking care of their oral health and hygiene. This may include reading them children’s books about dentists or ‘playing dentist’ with them. to take care of their teeth, and familiarising them with their toothbrush.
You don’t need to explain too much. Our family dentistry team is well-trained to be able to talk with children. They will explain who they are and what they are trying to do at a level your child can understand and relate to. If you are nervous or anxious about the visit this can rub off on your child, so it’s best to stay positive and let the professionals do what they do best.
What do I need to know about my child’s dental care and oral health?
Areas that parents often have questions about include teething, brushing techniques, bite, soft tissues such as gums and checks, habits such as thumb sucking, risk of decay and how to prevent it, prevention of trauma in your child’s mouth, orthodontic concerns and nutritional advice.
To book your child in for an appointment or for more information please call us on (07) 5479 5522 or visit our practice located at 130 Alexandra Parade, Alexandra Headland, Qld, 4572
Regular family dentist visits
Kicking off at the age of 1 at the latest, or within 6 months of the first tooth appearing, your child should see their family dentist regularly and understand that visiting them is an important part of growing up. If you receive benefits such as Family Tax Benefit A payments, you can take advantage of government programs such as the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.